Commercial Operations Lending
Our commercial lenders are experienced in local lending and know our local area. Headquartered in Knoxville, all loan servicing is handled in our local offices. Home Federal’s Lending Management has over 100 years of hometown lending experience. Our lenders use practical and sensible approaches to your commercial lending needs.
Working Capital Lines of Credit
Successful businesses often find themselves in need of additional funds to support growth and expansion. We can help meet this need by providing working capital lines or term loans to be repaid from future cash flows.
Owner Occupied Properties, Equipment & Vehicle Loans
We provide a wide range of financing for fixed assets ranging from construction and permanent financing for buildings to financing for vehicles, machinery and equipment.
Government Small Business Loans (SBA)
Expand your business with loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration.
Tax-Exempt Bond Financing
Availability of low-cost financing can help drive development of projects.
Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) Financing
Designed to help nonprofit, public, and private entities improve economic opportunities for low and moderate income communities.
Commercial Lending Team