Financial How Tos

Understanding and Preventing Check Fraud: A Guide for Local Businesses

Check fraud is one of the most common scams affecting businesses today. Despite the rise of electronic money transfers, many businesses continue to use checks for payments, making them appealing targets for criminals. This article explores check fraud and its forms, its impact on businesses, and how proactive measures, including Positive Pay from Home Federal Bank of Tennessee, can help protect your business.

The Top Scams Right Now: What to Know & How to Avoid Falling Victim

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! Scams are more sophisticated than ever, and staying informed is the key to protecting yourself. From phishing messages promising unimaginable rewards to phone calls pretending to be your bank, there’s a lot to look out for. At Home Federal Bank of Tennessee, we’re here to help, and want to empower you with the information you need to outsmart the latest tricks. Let’s delve into some of the most prevalent schemes currently circulating, their deceptive tactics, and how you can best avoid them.

What Happens When a Bank is Not Beholden to Shareholders?

When it comes to banking and financial services, there are a range of institutions eager to win your business, but interests aren’t always aligned. On one side of the spectrum are massive banking corporations owned by shareholders whose stake in the bank typically forms most of its equity capital. On the other hand, there are community banks that aren’t beholden to shareholders. The difference in how these entities operate, support their customers and communities, give back, and grow is stark. As it turns out, a bank’s ownership structure makes a profound impact on the people, families, organizations, and communities banks serve. Here’s why it matters and what it means for you.

Stay Safe Online

Undoubtably, the internet has many advantages, it can also make users vulnerable to fraud, identity theft and other scams. The American Bankers Association recommends the following tips to keep you safe online:

The best way to protect your information from scammers? Recognize a phishing scam.

Scammers know how valuable your personal and financial information is — and they’ll do or say almost anything to get it. What can you do to keep it safe?

The best way to protect your info from scammers is to recognize a phishing scam, but how do you know what to look for?

Protect Your Mobile Device

Your mobile device provides convenient access to your email, bank and social media accounts. Unfortunately, it can potentially provide the same convenient access for criminals. The American Bankers Association recommends following these tips to keep your information — and your money — safe.

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